SewAway & Open Sew
Click on the images or titles to register for each retreat.
Wool Embelishing StitchBook Workshop with Gina Z
Monthly, 12:30- 3:30
Pick Your Dates Below
Join Gina for monthly skill-building workshops.
These workshops teach how to use embroidery stitches and embellishments, such as beads, buttons, etc., to embellish your handwork projects that can be used on any fabric. She will share all her tips and techniques, focus on teaching a new stitch each workshop, and help you create your StitchBook of stitches and variations of uses for each stitch.
Whether you are new to applique or an experienced stitcher, join Gina and advance your skills and the joy of stitching by hand.
Note: This is an instructor-led workshop. Left-handed stitchers welcome. Sign up for one session or attend them all!
Space is limited
Hosted by Gena Zeleznok
We offer a 15% discount on all supplies for this class as well as a class discount of 15% on the day of class on your entire purchase.
For the love of Antique Quilts! Join us and create your heirloom.
6 Sessions Stitch Along with Tara
Dates: Saturday, January 25th, February 22nd, March 22nd, April 19th, May 17th and June 28th 11-3
If you have ever wanted to learn EPP, this class is for you. No need to lug your machine; this is done by thy hand! It is a perfect project to sit and sew with friends and create your very own heirloom quilt or project.
We have designed this class to teach PP with Templates and Paper and have selected two patterns you can choose from. The first is the “Hexagon Star-A-Day” pattern using the Mini Hexagon Star acrylic template set by Karen Styles, and the second is our “Repro Hexi Quilt” by Meeting House Fabric Designs using traditional hexagon papers. The blocks are hand pieced.
The challenge is reaching for the STARS by creating one star or one Repro Hexi daily for 365 days. Then, you will have a wonderful quilt. The number of stars or Hexies you make is entirely up to you. The quilt can be as small or as big as you would like.
The First date will be divided into two sessions. The first will teach the Star A Day pattern, and the second will introduce the Meeting House Rerop Hexi pattern. They will be instructor-based classes followed by monthly workshops to share our progress and get inspired for our subsequent blocks. A Facebook group will also follow the progress, offering many opportunities to share, inspire, and see everyone’s work. Participants may enjoy our Free Repro Scrap Share each session. Don't miss out. Let's get started. Reach for the stars and register early. Space is limited to 8.
Supplies: Star-A-Day pattern with template or paper, hand-sewing needle, thread
Requirements: The passion for hand sewing.
Instructor: Tara Taglieri
Perfect for all levels
Stitch Along Fee: 35. Monthly for 6 months. Nonrefundable or Transferable
We offer a 15% discount on all supplies for this class as well as a class discount of 10% on the day of class on your entire purchase.
1Sunday each month 11-4
The Next Potpourri with Annie B
March 30, 2025
It’s the potpourri of sewing! Our Open Sew offers a quiet and cozy space to work on your projects and gather with fellow sewing buddies with little interruptions. Of course, there is always laughter! So join the group today. Space is limited to 8, and Annie B will offer ongoing Open Sew Potpourri monthly. Reserve your space at our table today!
Enjoy a 15% Discount off your Entire Purchase while attending the Open Sew Potpourri! Excludes Handmade and already discounted items.
Class Fee $22
Instructed by Annie Beltramello
Come SewAway With Us
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 10-4
Three full days of quilting and sewing in the company of fellow quilters and friends. An opportunity to learn new tips and techniques to improve your craft. Inspiration to help build your creative confidence. SEW MUCH FUN
Our SewAway is hosted at the Meeting House, where you may enjoy a 15% discount for all three days. We offer a comfy spot at our gathering table, two ironing stations and four cutting stations, a large design wall, and layout space. You will have use of our kitchen, and lunch can be delivered, or you may bring your own. To keep it comfortable, we have limited registration to 8, so register today!
We offer a 15% discount for all 3 days attending.
The Next Wednesday night SewAway with Tara Taglieri
Wednesday 4-8 March 12 and 19. April 9, 16, and 23 (makeup date
You are signing up for all 4 days. Come cozy in our classroom and plan to sew with our shopkeeper, Tara Taglieri. Bring your project, sewing machine, and cutting tools; we supply the cutting and ironing stations.
Enjoy a 15% discount on all FOUR days!
Space is limited, so register early.
Hosted by Tara Taglieri
Click on the images or titles to register for each retreat.
Wooly Wednesday Workshops with Gina Z
Pick Your Dates Below
Monthly 12:30 - 3:30
Our Wooly Wednesday Workshops are designed for anyone wanting to learn, perfect, or be inspired to create a wool handwork project in our cozy classroom, snuggled in amongst other Wool Handworkers. Gina's years of working with wool have given her a vast knowledge of the art, and she is eager to share. She would love to sit and stitch with you.
Choose from the many wool project kits available at the shop. The kits can be purchased on the day of the workshop. We are constantly adding new wooly project kits. Be sure to visit and see what's new at Meeting House's ever-expanding wool shop.
Happy Stitchin’ with Wool
We offer a 15% discount on all supplies for this class as well as a class discount of 15% on the day of class on your entire purchase.
Space is limited to six, so please register early. Pick your dates now.
Hosted by Gina Zeleznok